A. 引言
在向我们披露个人资料时,请确保您提供的资料完整并准确无误。您会立即通知我们相关个人资料的任何变更,以便我们更新我们的记录。 在法律容许的范围内,如本集团认为您的个人资料会引致我们或任何第三方蒙受任何损失、责任或损害,本集团会对您的个人资料作出任何我们认为需要或合适的行动。
B. 我们收集的资料类别
- 您的姓名、性别、出生日期、婚姻状况、职业及在本公司任何附属公司、联营公司及/或合伙人的注册身份详情;
- 您的联系信息,例如电话号码、邮寄地址、电邮地址及传真号码;
- 您的信用卡或相关付款信息;
- 您的护照信息,包括护照号码、国籍、护照复印件;
- 您的登录名和密码信息,以便在您忘记或遗失登录信息时,我们可以帮您找回;
- 通过我们的网站或第三方合作伙伴网站进行在线预订时可能产生的预订和结算数据,例如 Red Dot Payment;
- 您最喜欢的酒店和慈善机构;
- 您的通信喜好;以及
- 您对本集团或本集团代表进行的市场调查和竞赛作出的答复。
C. 处理个人资料的用途及法律根据
当您预订或购买酒店住宿时,您的请求将被传递到信和酒店的预订网站,该网站将要求您提供姓名和地址以及可识别您个人身份以协助您预订和入住的其他信息,例如包括卡号和相关详细信息的信用卡信息、到达/离开日期、会员号码(如有)以及房间喜好。 本集团需要以这种方式处理您的数据,以便履行与您要求的产品和服务相关的合同义务,并在我们的一家酒店处理您的注册。
我们有时会举办抽奖和比赛,提供赢取奖品的机会。每个抽奖活动都有自己的条款和条件,要求您接受。 一些抽奖活动要求您选择参加,而对于另一些抽奖活动,如果满足某些条件(例如,使用某种信用卡进行预订),您将自动参加。 作为参加抽奖活动的一部分,可能需要提供某些个人资料,如姓名、信用卡详细信息和电子邮件地址。 我们可能会不时与下面提到的其他公司合作,提供共同赞助或联合品牌的促销、产品和服务,并可能与我们的共同赞助商分享您的个人资料。如果您参加其中一个抽奖或竞赛,您将接受条款和条件,我们可能会与我们的共同赞助商或第三方赞助商分享您的个人资料。 本集团需要以这种方式处理您的个人资料,以便履行与抽奖或竞赛相关的合同义务。 如果您不接受条款和条件,我们将无法为您提供抽奖或竞赛机会。
当您向我们发送电子邮件或从我们的某个网站向我们发送消息时,我们可能会保留诸如内容(包括您可能提出的任何后续问题)、您的电子邮件地址和我们的回复等信息。本集团可能会使用此信息,衡量我们在线解决客户问题的有效程度,个性化您的体验以及不断改进我们的服务等。 以这种方式处理您的个人资料符合我们的合法利益,因为这允许我们提供您最感兴趣的内容和产品类型,以便更好地了解和满足您的需求,并加强我们与您的关系。同时使我们能够保持高水平的客户服务和回应能力。
我们打算使用您的联系资料(如姓名、电邮地址和电话号码)发送推广信息或向您提供适当的促销优惠。 推广或促销信息可包括以下内容:(i) 酒店款待;(ii) 餐饮服务; (iii) 休闲娱乐;(iv) 我们认为您可能感兴趣的任何产品、服务或设施。 本集团可能会将您的联系资料与我们的联属酒店品牌、合作伙伴公司和/或其他第三方服务供应商共享,或允许它们向您发送直接促销信息,并在本集团认为可能您会感兴趣时,就相同类别的营销主题向您提供促销信息。
我们仅会在您同意(或您表示不反对)我们这样操作时使用您的联系资料进行直接促销或推广用途。 倘您取消接收此等信息,我们将不会再向您发送此等信息(详见下文“您的权利”一节)。
本集团网站不时提供各种功能可以让您发送电子贺卡或与朋友分享信息。 如您选用该功能,在您选择包含的任何信息的文本外,本集团还会要求您提供姓名和电邮地址,以及收件人的姓名和电邮地址。 以这种方式处理个人资料符合我们的合法利益,以便在我们的网站上提供此类互动功能,从而提高我们网站对客户的整体吸引力。
如您选择在网上申请求职,您需要提供姓名、街道地址、电话号码、电邮地址、教育背景及受聘纪录。 本集团亦会要求您提供作为招聘用途的其他有关资料,如在本集团的电子表格内附加履历。如您选择接收未来任何职位空缺的通知,则会被要求提供电邮地址。 根据求职申请的资料当事人(在签订雇佣合同之前)的要求,处理网上求职申请的个人资料并评估资料当事人是否适合空缺的职位,符合我们的合法利益。
在预订时,我们可能会为您提供注册帐户的选项。我们会要求您选择用户名和密码,并提供您的姓名和联系信息。此外,如果您选择,您可以包括信用卡信息、客房喜好并选择您要订阅的电子邮件简报。 本集团只有在获得您同意时才会以此种形式处理您的资料。
我们汇总统计数据、任何调查和调查问卷的回复、流量模式和相关网站信息,并将此类汇总数据披露给第三方,用于营销、广告或其他促销目的,但此类汇总数据不包括任何个人资料。为容许本集团监察及改善网站,当您使用网站时,本集团在集团服务器上收集和记录有关您的汇集资料,包括但不限于您的操作系统资料、浏览器版本、域名及IP地址、您来自及通往的URL地址以及您浏览本集团网站的部份。该等资料主要用于为您提供更佳的网上体验。 倘此等资料并非完全匿名并继续包含个人资料,本集团有合法权益处理此等资料,以便监控和增强网站服务内容,确保网站实用和易用。
D. 向第三方披露个人资料
- 富丽敦集团包括新加坡富丽敦酒店、新加坡富丽敦海湾酒店、悉尼富丽敦酒店及香港富丽敦海洋公园酒店;
- 信和酒店包括城市花园酒店、香港黄金海岸酒店、港岛太平洋酒店、皇家太平洋酒店、中环.石板街酒店及遨凯酒店;
- 其他信和集团联属公司及其联系人及继任人等(包括本集团全部或部份生意的买家);
- 其他提供与本集团业务有关的货品、服务或资料的商业伙伴(「伙伴公司」),包括酒店、旅游、休闲娱乐、餐饮、水疗、会议服务、交通、银行、通讯、保险及其他消费产品及服务;
- 为本集团提供有关市场营销推广服务的供应商;
- 代理、承办商、次承办商或第三方服务供应商 (包括提供系统操作或会员卡服务的公司及其他向会员提供支援服务的服务供应商或就本集团营运提供行政、电讯、电脑或其他服务的服务供应商),及/或
- 其他我们认为能提供您感兴趣之产品、服务或资讯的第三方,以提供您所要求的服务及产品、处理预订及其他交易及向您提供客户服务。
E. 个人资料的国际传输
F. 第三方网站
如您离开本集团网站进入或选择经连结进入非信和集团、非富丽敦集团及 或非信和酒店的其他网站 (本集团的广告商、内容提供者、卖家、独立酒店、联属机构及合作伙伴) ,本私隱政策将不涵盖您于该等网站的浏览活动。本集团并不控制或负责第三者网站或非由本集团控制或授权的网站之收集个人资料,及该等网站可能有各自的私隱政策。本集团对第三者网站的守则及政策不承担任何责任或法律责任。您应直接联络有关的网站管理人或网主查询有关其私隱条例及政策的问题。
G. 个人资料的保安及储存
H. 您的权利
电邮: dataprotectionofficer@fullertonhotels.com
此外,根据适用的资料保障条例的若干情况下,您可以以个人资料乃通过不正当手段取得或违法使用为由,将您的书面要求电邮至dataprotectionofficer@fullertonhotels.com 保障资料主任要求本集团停止与业务伙伴共用您的个人资料,或要求我们停用您的个人资料,本集团将依循适用的资料保障条例尽力满足该等要求。
- 查阅 您有权要求收取本集团所处理有关您的个人资料的副本,本集团将以电子形式发出。为保障您的私隱及安全,本集团在提供有关副本前可酌情要求您证明您的身份。
- 更正 您有权更正我们有关您的不完整或不正确的个人资料。您可随时直接透过网上帐户修订某些个人资料。
- 删除 您有权要求我们删除有关您的个人资料。除非本集团为履行法律责任或因确立、行使或辩护法律申索而须要保留该等资料。
- 限制 倘您相信您的个人资料不正确、我们非法处理您的资料,或我们已毋须就某一特定用途处理该等资料,惟我们却因法律或其他责任无法删除资料或由于您不希望我们删除资料时,您有权限制我们处理您的个人资料。
- 可携带性 倘本集团持有有关您的个人资料是(a)您向我们提供的个人资料,及(b)倘我们是在您同意下处理该等资料(例如作直销通讯)或向您履行合约,您有权取得本集团所持有的该等资料的电子版本,并将该等资料传送至另一资料管制人。
- 撤回同意 倘您曾同意本集团处理您个人资料,您有权随时免费撤回该同意,包括选择不再接收我们向您发出的市场推广讯息。
- 反对 尽管本集团有合法权益作为法律理据处理您的个人资料,您有权以您个别情况为理由提出反对。本集团将遵从您的要求,除非本集团有不能抗拒的法律理据足以凌驾您的权益或权利处理该等资料,或我们就确立、行使或辩护法律申索须要继续处理该等资料。
- 投诉 倘您相信本集团未有遵守适用的资料保障条例,您有权向本地资料保障监管机构作出投诉。请按此查阅其他欧洲经济区的本地资料保障监管机构名单。
I. 「浏览器缓存数据」(cookies) 政策
「浏览器缓存数据」是您的浏览器及操作系统储存在您的硬碟上作记录用途的小型电子资料 (具体来说是一列文字) 。 「浏览器缓存数据」可储存用户名称及密码,个人化首页,分辨曾探访网站的哪一部份及/或保持追踪以前在网站上的使用、选择或购买活动。本集团仅会使用您在首次登入本集团网站时同意我们使用的「浏览器缓存数据」(本集团日后或会再次征求您的同意)。
- 必要 (Essential)
- 行为分析 (Analytics)
- 定制 (Customer Interaction)
- 广告 (Advertising)
- 社群媒体 (Social Media)
必要 浏览器缓存数据 (Essential cookies)
We always use the essential cookies. They allow us to provide you with the essential features of our website, such as website navigation or logging in the secured areas. Using them is in your best interest, hence all the applicable personal data protection laws allow us to use them freely. We use the following essential cookies:
Name | Host | Expiry | Service |
cf_clearance |
Cloudflare |
Host: .www.fullertonhotels.com Expiry: 2025-03-25 Type: First party cookie |
Clearance Cookie stores the proof of challenge passed. It is used to no longer issue a captcha or jschallenge challenge if present. It is required to reach origin server. |
ak_bmsc |
Akamai |
Host: .videopolis.com Expiry: 2024-03-26 Type: Third party cookie |
This cookie is an Akamai cookie which is used to identify trraffic and monitor site performance |
request_method |
Shopify |
Host: production-booking.tablecheck.com Expiry: Session Type: Third party cookie |
determining the type of request to the website |
cid |
Stripe |
Host: .sojern.com Expiry: 2025-03-26 Type: Third party cookie |
This cookie is necessary for making credit card transactions on the website. The service is provided by Stripe.com which allows online transactions without storing any credit card information. |
ARRAffinitySameSite |
Microsoft Azure |
Host: .bookings.nowbookit.com Expiry: Session Type: Third party cookie |
These cookies are set by websites run on the Microsoft Azure cloud platform (which hosts our website). It is used for load balancing to make sure the visitor page requests are routed to the same server in any browsing session. |
__cf_bm |
Cloudflare |
Host: .icanhazip.com Expiry: 2024-03-26 Type: Third party cookie |
The __cf_bm cookie is a cookie necessary to support Cloudflare Bot Management, currently in private beta. As part of our bot management service, this cookie helps manage incoming traffic that matches criteria associated with bots. |
We use other types of cookies only with your prior explicit consent. If you give us consent to store them on your computer, we do so. If you don’t consent to their use, we don’t use them. It’s that simple.
We don’t discriminate users based on consent.Your consent applies to the following domains: http://www.fullertonhotels.com
The rest of the cookies we use are:
行为分析 浏览器缓存数据 (Analytics Cookies)
Name | Host | Expiry | Service |
_gid |
Google Analytics |
Host: .videopolis.com Expiry: 2024-03-26 Type: Third party cookie |
This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. The cookie is used to store information of how visitors use a website and helps in creating an analytics report of how the website is doing. The data collected including the number visitors, the source where they have come from, and the pages visited in an anonymous form. |
_gat |
Google Analytics |
Host: .videopolis.com Expiry: 2024-03-26 Type: Third party cookie |
This cookie name is associated with Google Universal Analytics, according to documentation it is used to throttle the request rate - limiting the collection of data on high traffic sites. |
_gid |
Google Analytics |
Host: .fullertonhotels.com Expiry: 2024-03-26 Type: First party cookie |
This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. The cookie is used to store information of how visitors use a website and helps in creating an analytics report of how the website is doing. The data collected including the number visitors, the source where they have come from, and the pages visited in an anonymous form. |
_gat_tct |
rrd.com |
Host: .fullertonhotels.com Expiry: 2024-03-26 Type: First party cookie |
Tracking ID for the analytics |
_gat_tc_client |
rrd.com |
Host: .fullertonhotels.com Expiry: 2024-03-26 Type: First party cookie |
Tracking ID for the analytics |
_ga_WV41QBH73P |
Google Analytics |
Host: .fullertonhotels.com Expiry: 2025-04-29 Type: First party cookie |
Used by Google Analytics to collect data on the number of times a user has visited the website as well as dates for the first and most recent visit. |
_ga |
Google Analytics |
Host: .fullertonhotels.com Expiry: 2025-04-29 Type: First party cookie |
Google Analytics cookie enabling control of one-time visits. This cookie is installed the first time a user enters the website through a browser. When the user comes back to the website through the same browser, the cookie will consider him to be the same user. Only in the event that the user changes browser, will he be deemed to be a different user. |
_ga_3R5SJEDWK4 |
Google Analytics |
Host: .fullertonhotels.com Expiry: 2025-04-29 Type: First party cookie |
Used by Google Analytics to collect data on the number of times a user has visited the website as well as dates for the first and most recent visit. |
_ga |
Google Analytics |
Host: .videopolis.com Expiry: 2025-04-29 Type: Third party cookie |
Google Analytics cookie enabling control of one-time visits. This cookie is installed the first time a user enters the website through a browser. When the user comes back to the website through the same browser, the cookie will consider him to be the same user. Only in the event that the user changes browser, will he be deemed to be a different user. |
_ga_8Y1TZ7Y895 |
Google Analytics |
Host: .videopolis.com Expiry: 2025-04-29 Type: Third party cookie |
Used by Google Analytics to collect data on the number of times a user has visited the website as well as dates for the first and most recent visit. |
_ga_GVWBL77EP4 |
Google Analytics |
Host: .fullertonhotels.com Expiry: 2025-04-30 Type: First party cookie |
Used by Google Analytics to collect data on the number of times a user has visited the website as well as dates for the first and most recent visit. |
_ga_60WJWFQDW3 |
Google Analytics |
Host: .fullertonhotels.com Expiry: 2025-04-30 Type: First party cookie |
Used by Google Analytics to collect data on the number of times a user has visited the website as well as dates for the first and most recent visit. |
li_sugr |
Host: .linkedin.com Expiry: 2024-06-24 Type: Third party cookie |
Used to make a probabilistic match of a user's identity outside the Designated Countries | |
bcookie |
Host: .linkedin.com Expiry: 2025-03-26 Type: Third party cookie |
This cookie is used by LinkedIn for identifying the Browser ID. It is set from LinkedIn share buttons and ad tags. | |
lidc |
Host: .linkedin.com Expiry: 2024-03-27 Type: Third party cookie |
To facilitate data center selection | |
UserMatchHistory |
Host: .linkedin.com Expiry: 2024-04-25 Type: Third party cookie |
Used for id sync process. It stores the last sync time to avoid repeating the syncing process in a frequent manner | |
AnalyticsSyncHistory |
Host: .linkedin.com Expiry: 2024-04-25 Type: Third party cookie |
Used to store information about the time a sync took place with the lms_analytics cookie | |
bscookie |
Host: .www.linkedin.com Expiry: 2025-03-26 Type: Third party cookie |
Used by the social networking service, LinkedIn, for tracking the use of embedded services. | |
_ga_600TVLKFN4 |
Google Analytics |
Host: .fullertonhotels.com Expiry: 2025-04-30 Type: First party cookie |
Used by Google Analytics to collect data on the number of times a user has visited the website as well as dates for the first and most recent visit. |
_ga_JMTF2NFN83 |
Google Analytics |
Host: .fullertonhotels.com Expiry: 2025-04-30 Type: First party cookie |
Used by Google Analytics to collect data on the number of times a user has visited the website as well as dates for the first and most recent visit. |
定制 浏览器缓存数据 (Customer Interaction Cookies)
These cookies allow our website to temporarily store your contact information in the case of an inquiry and get back to you. This data is not shared with any third party.
Name | Host | Expiry | Service |
triptease-user-id |
Triptease |
Host: .triptease.io Expiry: 2025-03-25 Type: Third party cookie |
Used to understand behaviour of a user across hotel websites during a single session |
triptease-session-id |
Triptease |
Host: .triptease.io Expiry: 2024-03-26 Type: Third party cookie |
Used to understand behaviour of a user across hotel websites during a single session |
广告 浏览器缓存数据 (Advertising)
These cookies track your browsing behavior to enable us to show you personalized content and advertisements that are likely to be of interest to you. Depending on your information and only upon your permission, these cookies may group you with other users with similar interests and show you relevant ads and content. For more information on the advertising cookies we use, read our Privacy Policy.
Name | Host | Expiry | Service |
_gcl_au |
Google Ads |
Host: .fullertonhotels.com Expiry: 2024-06-23 Type: First party cookie |
Used for the "Conversion Linker" functionality - it takes information in ad clicks and stores it in a first-party cookie so that conversions can be attributed outside the landing page. |
Youtube |
Host: .youtube.com Expiry: Session Type: Third party cookie |
This cookie is set by YouTube to track views of embedded videos. |
Youtube |
Host: .youtube.com Expiry: 2024-09-21 Type: Third party cookie |
The "VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE" cookie is a first-party cookie that is set by YouTube, a video-sharing platform owned by Google. The purpose of the cookie is to track user preferences and to display customized video recommendations to users based on their viewing history and behavior on the site. When a user visits a page that contains an embedded YouTube video, the "VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE" cookie is typically set in their browser. The cookie stores user preferences such as the preferred language, video playback settings, and other preferences. This allows YouTube to display videos that are relevant to the user's interests and viewing history, as well as to improve the overall user experience on the site. |
ar_debug |
Google Doubleclick |
Host: .doubleclick.net Expiry: 2024-04-24 Type: Third party cookie |
Store and track conversions. |
_fbp |
Host: .fullertonhotels.com Expiry: 2024-06-23 Type: First party cookie |
Used by Facebook to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers | |
Microsoft |
Host: .bing.com Expiry: 2025-04-19 Type: Third party cookie |
This cookie is widely used my Microsoft as a unique user identifier. It can be set by embedded microsoft scripts. Widely believed to sync across many different Microsoft domains, allowing user tracking. |
Bing Ads |
Host: .bing.com Expiry: 2025-04-19 Type: Third party cookie |
_uetsid |
Microsoft |
Host: .fullertonhotels.com Expiry: 2024-03-26 Type: First party cookie |
This cookie is used by Bing to determine what ads should be shown that may be relevant to the end user perusing the site. |
_uetvid |
Microsoft |
Host: .fullertonhotels.com Expiry: 2025-04-19 Type: First party cookie |
This is a cookie utilised by Microsoft Bing Ads and is a tracking cookie. It allows us to engage with a user that has previously visited our website. This is a Microsoft cookie. |
Google Ads |
Host: .doubleclick.net Expiry: 2025-04-19 Type: Third party cookie |
This cookie carries out information about how the end user uses the website and any advertising that the end user may have seen before visiting the said website. |
_fbp |
Host: .tablecheck.com Expiry: 2024-06-24 Type: Third party cookie |
Used by Facebook to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers | |
C |
Adroll |
Host: .adform.net Expiry: 2024-04-26 Type: Third party cookie |
These cookies are used to make advertising messages more relevant to you. They perform functions like preventing the same ad from continuously re-appearing, ensuring that ads are properly displayed for advertisers, and in some cases selecting advertisements that are based on your interests. |
receive-cookie-deprecation |
AppNexus |
Host: .adnxs.com Expiry: 2025-04-30 Type: Third party cookie |
Adsrvr |
Host: .adsrvr.org Expiry: 2025-03-26 Type: Third party cookie |
This cookie carries out information about how the end user uses the website and any advertising that the end user may have seen before visiting the said website. |
uid |
Amobee |
Host: .adform.net Expiry: 2024-05-25 Type: Third party cookie |
Collects anonymous data related to the user's visits to the website, such as the number of visits, average time spent on the website and what pages have been loaded, with the purpose of displaying targeted ads. |
AppNexus |
Host: .adnxs.com Expiry: 2024-06-24 Type: Third party cookie |
uuid2 |
AppNexus |
Host: .adnxs.com Expiry: 2024-06-24 Type: Third party cookie |
This cookie allows targeted advertising through the AppNexus platform - collects anonymous data on ad views IP adddress, page views, and more. |
ttdid |
Sojern |
Host: .sojern.com Expiry: 2024-04-25 Type: Third party cookie |
adfid |
Sojern |
Host: .sojern.com Expiry: 2025-03-26 Type: Third party cookie |
anj |
AppNexus |
Host: .adnxs.com Expiry: 2024-06-24 Type: Third party cookie |
This cookie contains data denoting whether a cookie ID is synced with an AppNexus partner. |
visitor-id |
Media.net |
Host: .hb.yahoo.net Expiry: 2024-09-22 Type: Third party cookie |
These cookies are used to deliver adverts more relevant to you and your interests. They are also used to limit the number of times you see an advertisement as well as help measure the effectiveness of the advertising campaign. |
data-ttd |
Media.net |
Host: .hb.yahoo.net Expiry: 2024-04-09 Type: Third party cookie |
Pending |
The Trade Desk |
Host: .adsrvr.org Expiry: 2025-03-26 Type: Third party cookie |
The TDCPM cookie is used by our 3rd party trading platform. It contains data denoting whether a cookie ID is synced with our partners. ID syncing enables our partners to use their data from outside our trading platform on the platform. |
apnid |
Sojern |
Host: .sojern.com Expiry: 2024-06-24 Type: Third party cookie |
The Sojern cookie is used to identify consented users and for synchronisation with AppNexus Platform for future advertising activity. Advertiser Dynamic cookie used to support Dynamic Creatives for the Advertiser's campaign. Identification of a consented user and synchronisation with Google Doubleclick Manager Platform for future advertising activity. Cookie sync with Tapad for cross device activity. |
PubMatic |
Host: .pubmatic.com Expiry: 2024-06-24 Type: Third party cookie |
Registers a unique ID that identifies the user's device during return visits across websites that use the same ad network. The ID is used to allow targeted ads. |
PugT |
PubMatic |
Host: .pubmatic.com Expiry: 2024-04-25 Type: Third party cookie |
Used to determine the number of times the cookies have been updated in the visitor's browser. Used to optimize the website's server efficiency. |
Casale Media |
Host: .casalemedia.com Expiry: 2025-03-26 Type: Third party cookie |
These cookies are linked to advertising and tracking the products users were looking at. |
Casale Media |
Host: .casalemedia.com Expiry: 2024-06-24 Type: Third party cookie |
These cookies are linked to advertising and tracking the products users were looking at. |
Casale Media |
Host: .casalemedia.com Expiry: 2024-06-24 Type: Third party cookie |
These cookies are linked to advertising and tracking the products users were looking at. |
_fbp |
Host: .doubleclick.net Expiry: 2024-06-24 Type: Third party cookie |
Used by Facebook to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers |
社群媒体 浏览器缓存数据 (Social Media Cookies)
These cookies allow social networks to record your behavior when using social engagement buttons (such as the “Like” button). The data these cookies collect is shared with third-party advertisers.
Name | Host | Expiry | Service |
ps_n |
Facebook Social Graph |
Host: .facebook.com Expiry: 2025-04-30 Type: Third party cookie |
电邮: dataprotectionofficer@fullertonhotels.com